Thursday, September 15, 2011

Sarah Palin likes skunk

In Joe McGinniss's soon to be released biography of Sarah Pain (sorry Palin) he alleges that the wannabee presidential candidate had an extra marital affair and has a penchant for cocaine and marijuana.

While I could believe the allegation about extra marital sex (those shoes, those shoes......who wouldn't!?) I was surprised to learn about her liking for weed. Until I remembered this song. Now I know what the reference to skunk means!

This brother and sister combo (or husband and wife - maybe both?) recall the drug fueled days. Now I know what happens at all those tea parties.........

After all this, I'd be inclined to vote for her now!

She's a cold blast from Alaska ingrained with common sense,
She's not a Harvard lawyer but she knew what the Founders meant.
A cold blast from the north that freezes Congress in their tracks,
With God and the Tea Party, she's gonna take it back.
Sarah Palin, she won't listen to their bunk,
Sarah Palin coming South to hunt some skunk,
Sarah Palin – she'll throw 'em all in jail,
And when she gets to Washington, it'll be cold as hell.
Sarah has the wisdom to walk through an open door,
She's stomping out the wretches where the evil lies in store.
She will scrub the floors and sweep the riff-raff into cracks,
With God and the Tea Party, she's gonna take it back.
Sarah Palin, she won't listen to their bunk,
Sarah Palin coming South to hunt some skunk,
Sarah Palin – she'll throw 'em all in jail,
And when she gets to Washington, it'll be cold as hell.
Congress pats themselves from some new bill they just passed
I watch as my freedom slowly runs through an hourglass
They think they spend our money better than we do
But they can talk until they're blue and old
'Cuz if they ever gave us anything
They always wanted something in return . . . Sarah knows!
Saraaaaah's marching onnnnnnnn onnnnnnnnnnnnnnn
I'd like to dedicate that to the Tea Party and all the patriots.

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