Monday, September 12, 2011

Bulgaria: Bulgarians Get Drunk Fast, Die Old


Contrary to popular beliefs, Bulgarians alcohol tolerance is inferior to that of other nations, a study has apparently shown. Most Bulgarians get drunk from small quantities of alcohol, Bulgarian Professor Ivo Kremenski has said, announcing the results of an international study, according to the Klassa daily.

An average Bulgarian gets drunk from a mere 300 grams of hard liquor, Kremenski has stated, while a Russian could easily cope with half a liter.

Typical Bulgarian teenager after a few rakias...
Even though Bulgaria is an established wine producer, its citizens prefer hard liquor to wine, unlike Western Europeans.  According to recently released data, 70% of the 7 million Bulgarians drink regularly, but alcohol is a serious problem for some 30%.

Klassa has also cited a genetic study that shows Bulgarians are predisposed to addictions. Professor Kremenski, however, has pointed out that Bulgarians have "very strong genes", pointing out that there are many people in the country over the age of 100. His statement contradicts the official statistics, according to which the Balkan nations lags behind the rest of Europe in terms of longevity.

I'm in the right country then! Getting drunk is the only thing that gets done fast here......

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