Following an argument between Raskov's family and another on Friday, a 19 year old boy was run over and killed by a mini bus driven by someone from the Roma community. Subsequently another 16 year old villager died, apparently from a heart attack.
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Rioting in Katunitza |
Nationalist political leaders climbed on the bandwagon and called for the convening of the National Security Council and parliament. On Sunday night hundreds of thugs marched on a Roma settlement in Plovdiv. The only sensible political voice to be heard was that of the Prime Minister who correctly identified the issue as a criminal matter and called for calm.
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Roma ghetto near Plovdiv |
The illiteracy rates among adults and children are extraordinarily high. Roma children attend segregated schools of very low quality and in some cases are educated alongside special needs children as they are not accepted into "normal schools". Over 10,000 Roma children come to the attention of the social system every year and the vast majority are placed in institutional care facilities. Unemployment levels are extremely high and many turn to crime to make ends meet. Many Roma are not officially registered and do not qualify for existing meagre social welfare payments.
It's against this backdrop that the reporting and events of the weekend need to be assessed and not the rantings and mob violence of fascist thugs and their leaders. It would be wrong to dismiss the violence as the work of a minority however. Most Bulgarians have a deep loathing and prejudice against the Roma and there is little support for them. It was not long ago that a socialist member of parliament said that it was ok for 14 year old Roma girls to be prostitutes. The same individual maintained that Roma should be confined to ghettoes as they were lazy and inclined to theft.
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Thousands march against the Roma in Plovdiv |
I was at a friend's house not long ago. A couple there had adopted a Roma child. She was beautiful and happily smiled and played throughout the afternoon. She was was full of joy. Unlike her sisters and brothers and many thousands of Roma children, she had a future. They have not.
Bulgarians rightly take pride in the fact that during the second world war tens of thousands of Bulgarian Jews were saved from the death camps. It should also be remembered that hundreds of thousands of Roma were executed during that same war. A society should be judged on how it looks after and protects its minorities. Over the weekend, Bulgaria took a step backwards towards ethnic cleansing and into the racist abyss. Has it got the courage and leadership to step away?
This is absolutely not true.
ReplyDeleteBulgarian people are against killings from the Gipsys. Please make a research and see how many people were killed by the gipsys in the last 10 years in Bulgaria. They kill Bulgarians, kill each other, sell their babies, ripe girls, steal and make crimes every day.
For that cruel crime in Katunitsa where 19 year boy Angel (RIP) was killed by Kiril Rashkov clan:
Do you know that only 3 hour before the killing his family submitted the one of the serial complains in the Police saying that they afraid for their life’s?
Do you know that this criminal Kiril Rashkov has misappropriate lands and made threats to the common people in the village. Even yesterday he made dead threats in the national television by interview phone!
Do you know that his boys - grandchildren pipe 10-12 years girls in the village?
Do you know that all his family harassed this village for the last 20 year and the people are afraid of them?
Two young Bulgarian boys are dead and people do not want this to be covered because Kiril Rashkov is very reach and pays to the police. That’s why we make protest.
We Bulgarians do not hate gypsies. We live with them for a very long time. But we are enough form their refusal to live within the law and kill, steal, rape...
Sorry Ivo, but facts hurt. This is 100% true and unlike your sloppy, lazy Bulgarian journalists, I have fully researched everything in my post. If you want to look further (which you should) have a look at the Bulgaria Helsinki Committee or Amnesty International or maybe just have a look at Wikipedia.
ReplyDeleteWhy aren't you marching against other Mafia bosses? Or is it that you choose to protest against Roma bosses only? If Kiril Rashkov is a crminal as you say (and I don't doubt it) he should be dealt with by the police. But why unleash a campaign of hatred against 800,000 Bulgarian (whether you like it or not) citizens.
I've been living in Bulgaria for long enough to know that many (the majority) of Bulgarians are complete racists when it come to the Roma. You treat them worse than street dogs and any idiot knows that when you mistreat a dog it bites back.
I witnessed yesterday the protesters in Varna. I can say that nothing what I saw had to do with a protest against what happened in Katunitsa. The majority of the protesters (mainly kids) were there just for the sensation, not to fight/protest for a cause. The phrase they shout (the soap phrase) is truly sickening and I am sure that the majority has no clue of the origin of this phrase. If they are so upset about the death of a young boy (indeed a sad fact), why now and not before? There are numerous cases where (young) people died a violent death. If they are so upset about mafia bosses ruling the country, why this one (in fact a small fish) has become such a large target and the bigger fish are being left alone? All together, it is nothing but mass hysteria, provoked with the help of the media and totally out of proportion.
ReplyDeleteI am totally appalled by the way that an incident has been hijacked and exploited (maybe instigated who knows?) by Ataka. A vile racist xenophobic party who thrive on identity politics and the kind of reductivism that has led to many a war in the Balkan tinderbox! Once you objectify you can then dehumanise and once you do that we all saw the results in Nazi Germany. Many forget that hundreds of thousands of Roma were also exterminated in the holocaust! the only place with stronger anti Roma prejudice in which I have lived was in Hungary they beat even the Bgns in htis visceral loathing of the other in their midst. I totally support the author of this blog well done! All it takes is for a few brave men to do nothing, so one needs to voice concern. The fact that most BGN's I have spoken to cant see the connection between the violence and the elections the timing is too convenient for words is astounding! A soap box distraction for frustrated blue collar youth to channel their energy away from where it should be focused the corrupt ruling elite in Bulgaria and their 'mutri' henchmen who instigate the democratic deficit and the apathy that are the mainstay of this new EU member state!
ReplyDeleteThe main is that today Kiril Rashkov was arrested and will be prosecuted.
ReplyDeleteIvo. You are blind.
ReplyDeleteI totally agree agree with the opinion expressed by the blogger. Bulgarians deeply in their mind pronounce racism and hatred!! This action of small group of vigilante will sure obscure the chances of Bulgaria to schengen area