I guess everybody is exhausted by developments over the last few years. Suspend your exhaustion for a little while to catch "Inside Job" which chronicles the events that almost led to a complete global financial armageddon. The world of financial derivatives and credit default swaps is simply explained to reveal a massive fraud which almost brought the world to its knees. The scary thing is that the perpetrators of this fraud are still there at the highest level of government and the financial industry in the US.
Psychopathic behaviour is characterized by an abnormal lack of empathy combined with strongly amoral conduct but masked by an ability to appear outwardly normal. In addition to explaining how the crisis evolved the movie also lifts a veil on the psychopathic nature of the financial services industry. And just like Hannibal Lector in Silence of the Lambs, the real culprits have gotten away with it.
A must see movie.
Sunday, February 20, 2011
Saturday, February 19, 2011
Friday, February 18, 2011
Thursday, February 17, 2011
Doesn't get much better than this
From Jeff Beck's Emotion & Commotion. Great album.
Lilac Wine with Imelda May (terrible video but great song)
Poor Boy with Imelda May
Put A Spell On You with Joss Stone
Lilac Wine with Imelda May (terrible video but great song)
Poor Boy with Imelda May
Put A Spell On You with Joss Stone
Wednesday, February 16, 2011
Panty Police
Valentine's Day in fun loving Malaysia must have been a ball of laughs. As part of nationwide campaign to encourage a sin-free lifestyle, the government cracked down on "immoral acts" for the "Day of Lurrrrv".
Authorities were instructed to carry ou "immorality checks" on Feb. 14 by identifying locations used by lovers and deploying local religious department officials as well as party members to stop such sinful acts like casual sex. Among those targeted were women found to be wearing no panties, and hotels offering deals for unwed couples. Presumably men who were wearing panties were ok.
Authorities were instructed to carry ou "immorality checks" on Feb. 14 by identifying locations used by lovers and deploying local religious department officials as well as party members to stop such sinful acts like casual sex. Among those targeted were women found to be wearing no panties, and hotels offering deals for unwed couples. Presumably men who were wearing panties were ok.
If you are interested in a career with the Royal Malaysian Panty Police you can look for opportunities (and panties) here.
Tuesday, February 15, 2011
He feels faith in human nature restored. He has been cut off too long
THE BABY has outgrown her car seat: he searches the attic for anything he might swap. Unearths a perfectly serviceable digital camera (upgraded, why?). A portable TV with built-in DVD player they bought when they began renting a summer house in Kerry (why not pack the existing one into the car?).
He posts ads on a variety of free sites. A woman in Meath makes contact, offers a decent brand of car seat in exchange. He agrees, in principle, emphasising that no money is to change hands.
He packs up the items, carefully, meets her in the car park of a shopping centre. She is driving a massive ’09 Mercedes MPV. And is morbidly obese.
She demands to know how old the camera is, whether he has the remote for the DVD. He shows her the camera, still in its original box. Shows her the remote, the new batteries he bought. Explains to her he is a careful man, that she has no need to be concerned. She makes a noise through her nostrils. He examines the car seat – it is in good order, though she could have removed and washed the fabric.
He goes to shake hands; that’s when she announces she wants €40 on top.
He reminds her of their deal. She says a deal is not a deal until all the merchandise has been examined. How does she know the telly is even working? Sure, she might go home and find she has brought two worthless items. He assures her he is an honest man. She does the nostril thing again. He feels resentment building: the woman represents, all of a sudden, everything rotten on the island, the bloated opportunism, the sleeveen-ism, the lack of respect for other . . . Ah forget it.
He places the seat back in the boot. Okay, okay, she says, I’ll take 30. No thanks, he says. Right so, give me 20, we’ll both be on our way.
He shakes his head, moves off, cardboard box suddenly heavy. Arrah it was worth a shot, she shouts after him.
He wants to tell her where to get off, wants to tell her she is a God-awful recession vulture, but instead he turns back.
Wordlessly, he deposits his box in the boot of her Merc, retrieves the seat, walks away.
He spends hours scouring job sites, writing emails, sending out his CV, phoning old contacts. A lot of the heads he worked with are gone. Talking to their disinterested replacements, his voice betrays him – nervous, lacking in confidence. Sometimes, he can’t even get past reception.
His wife suggests he take a break from the computer, the phone. What about your motorbike? The insurance, he reminds her, was cancelled, months ago. Take the money we were going to use to tax the car, she says. Go on, get some head space. (By which she may also mean, “and grant me some”.)
He rings the insurance company – you’re lucky, says the rep, another month and you’d have lost your no-claims bonus.
He takes off into the mountains. During the boom, it was impossible to enjoy this wilderness. Too many flash gits in soft-tops.
Now the landscape is empty. Christ, he’d forgotten how beautiful it is. He opens the throttle wide, leaves it all behind – the worry, the nagging voices on the radio. In his head.
Descends into a small village, thinking of a coffee. He had debated whether or not to take a flask, but it seemed so careful, and pre-meditated, so old.
Enters a cafe. His fingers are cold and stiff, it takes an age to fish his gloves off. He requests a coffee, emptying his pockets on the counter. His dole card sits there. The old woman at the till moves it, slightly, just one finger, taking €2 from the pile.
– You’re not working?
– No.
– Well, it seems to suit you.
– Sorry?
–What I mean is, you look happy.
He can’t think of a response. He moves outside.
There are some hill-walkers gathering. They smile over, as if to say: “You too have been let in on the secret of this place.” He realises he is happy – for the first time in months. Perhaps the tablets have kicked in? Maybe it is simply that he is out of the house, and the house was fast becoming a jaill.
The old woman brings him homemade apple tart and cream. No charge. It’s the last slice, she says, was probably going to go to waste. He looks over at the walkers and thinks, “I doubt it”.
He thanks her.
You’re more than welcome, son. She looks at him as if she has something serious to say: “Now, make sure you enjoy every last bit, alright?”
He does. And feels faith in human nature restored. He has been cut off too long. The dole does that. It removes you from the prospect of people, renders your existence fenced in, fearful.
Next day, he still feels strong. He rings the recruitment agency; this time he doesn’t apologise for his existence. Rings some of the companies he has mailed his CV to, refusing to be fobbed off by the receptionist. He can hear the lack of authority in his voice, gone.
– Putting you through now.
(Four such lovely words).
He posts ads on a variety of free sites. A woman in Meath makes contact, offers a decent brand of car seat in exchange. He agrees, in principle, emphasising that no money is to change hands.
He packs up the items, carefully, meets her in the car park of a shopping centre. She is driving a massive ’09 Mercedes MPV. And is morbidly obese.
She demands to know how old the camera is, whether he has the remote for the DVD. He shows her the camera, still in its original box. Shows her the remote, the new batteries he bought. Explains to her he is a careful man, that she has no need to be concerned. She makes a noise through her nostrils. He examines the car seat – it is in good order, though she could have removed and washed the fabric.
He goes to shake hands; that’s when she announces she wants €40 on top.
He reminds her of their deal. She says a deal is not a deal until all the merchandise has been examined. How does she know the telly is even working? Sure, she might go home and find she has brought two worthless items. He assures her he is an honest man. She does the nostril thing again. He feels resentment building: the woman represents, all of a sudden, everything rotten on the island, the bloated opportunism, the sleeveen-ism, the lack of respect for other . . . Ah forget it.
He places the seat back in the boot. Okay, okay, she says, I’ll take 30. No thanks, he says. Right so, give me 20, we’ll both be on our way.
He shakes his head, moves off, cardboard box suddenly heavy. Arrah it was worth a shot, she shouts after him.
He wants to tell her where to get off, wants to tell her she is a God-awful recession vulture, but instead he turns back.
Wordlessly, he deposits his box in the boot of her Merc, retrieves the seat, walks away.
He spends hours scouring job sites, writing emails, sending out his CV, phoning old contacts. A lot of the heads he worked with are gone. Talking to their disinterested replacements, his voice betrays him – nervous, lacking in confidence. Sometimes, he can’t even get past reception.
His wife suggests he take a break from the computer, the phone. What about your motorbike? The insurance, he reminds her, was cancelled, months ago. Take the money we were going to use to tax the car, she says. Go on, get some head space. (By which she may also mean, “and grant me some”.)
He rings the insurance company – you’re lucky, says the rep, another month and you’d have lost your no-claims bonus.
He takes off into the mountains. During the boom, it was impossible to enjoy this wilderness. Too many flash gits in soft-tops.
Now the landscape is empty. Christ, he’d forgotten how beautiful it is. He opens the throttle wide, leaves it all behind – the worry, the nagging voices on the radio. In his head.
Descends into a small village, thinking of a coffee. He had debated whether or not to take a flask, but it seemed so careful, and pre-meditated, so old.
Enters a cafe. His fingers are cold and stiff, it takes an age to fish his gloves off. He requests a coffee, emptying his pockets on the counter. His dole card sits there. The old woman at the till moves it, slightly, just one finger, taking €2 from the pile.
– You’re not working?
– No.
– Well, it seems to suit you.
– Sorry?
–What I mean is, you look happy.
He can’t think of a response. He moves outside.
There are some hill-walkers gathering. They smile over, as if to say: “You too have been let in on the secret of this place.” He realises he is happy – for the first time in months. Perhaps the tablets have kicked in? Maybe it is simply that he is out of the house, and the house was fast becoming a jaill.
The old woman brings him homemade apple tart and cream. No charge. It’s the last slice, she says, was probably going to go to waste. He looks over at the walkers and thinks, “I doubt it”.
He thanks her.
You’re more than welcome, son. She looks at him as if she has something serious to say: “Now, make sure you enjoy every last bit, alright?”
He does. And feels faith in human nature restored. He has been cut off too long. The dole does that. It removes you from the prospect of people, renders your existence fenced in, fearful.
Next day, he still feels strong. He rings the recruitment agency; this time he doesn’t apologise for his existence. Rings some of the companies he has mailed his CV to, refusing to be fobbed off by the receptionist. He can hear the lack of authority in his voice, gone.
– Putting you through now.
(Four such lovely words).
Monday, February 14, 2011
Lady Antebellum
Nice to see Lady Antebellum do well at the Grammys (I still think Cee Lo's F**k You was a better song!) This is Hello World which, for me, is the best song on the album.
Saturday, February 12, 2011
The Real White Swan
Today is Anna Pavlova's birthday. She was a Russian ballerina of the late 19th and the early 20th century. She is widely regarded as one of the finest classical ballet dancers in history and was most noted as a principal artist of the Imperial Russian Ballet and the Ballets Russes of Serge Diaghilev. Pavlova is most recognised for the creation of the role The Dying Swan and, with her own company, would become the first ballerina to tour ballet around the world.
In January 1931, Pavlova was told that she had pneumonia and needed an operation. She was also told that she would never be able to dance again. She refused to have the operation saying "If I can't dance then I'd rather be dead." Three weeks later she died of pleurisy, about three weeks short of her 50th birthday. She was holding her costume from The Dying Swan when she spoke her last words, "Play the last measure very softly." She died on 23 January 1931 in the Hotel Des Indes in The Hague.
In accordance with old ballet tradition, on the day she was to have next performed, the show went on as scheduled, with a single spotlight circling an empty stage where she would have been.
Of course, the Dying Swan has now become infamous in Darren Aronofsky's over rated "Black Swan" starring Natalie Portman. Here's the real thing:
In January 1931, Pavlova was told that she had pneumonia and needed an operation. She was also told that she would never be able to dance again. She refused to have the operation saying "If I can't dance then I'd rather be dead." Three weeks later she died of pleurisy, about three weeks short of her 50th birthday. She was holding her costume from The Dying Swan when she spoke her last words, "Play the last measure very softly." She died on 23 January 1931 in the Hotel Des Indes in The Hague.
In accordance with old ballet tradition, on the day she was to have next performed, the show went on as scheduled, with a single spotlight circling an empty stage where she would have been.
Of course, the Dying Swan has now become infamous in Darren Aronofsky's over rated "Black Swan" starring Natalie Portman. Here's the real thing:
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Thursday, February 10, 2011
It's a fat world and its getting a lot fatter
With a few exceptions, the average body mass index in most countries has risen since 1980, according to a project that tracked risk factors for heart disease and stroke in 199 countries over 28 years.
This is a fascinating graphic that demonstrates global obesity trends since 1980. This is not a self-portrait by the way.
Questions to ask on a first date?

If you want to know if your date will have sex on the first night.
Question: Do you like the taste of beer? Beer lovers (male and female) are 60% more likely to consider having sex on their first date.
If you want to know if your first night date and you have long term potential.
Questions: Do you like horror movies? Have you ever traveled around another country alone? Wouldn't it be fun to chuck it all and go live on a sailboat? If you both agree on the answers you are more likely to have a long relationship
If you want to know if your date and you have the same politics.
Question: Do you prefer simplicity or complexity? Liberals are more likely to prefer complexity while conservatives gravitate towards simplicity.
If you want to know if your date is religious.
Question: Do grammar and spelling errors annoy you? If the answer is "no" your date is more likely to be religious
Isn't it surprising to learn that nearly all beer drinking men would consider having sex on a first date?
Happy Birthday Roberta Flack
Roberta Flack is 72 (!) today. Other than U2, she is the only singer ever to win back to back Grammy's for Record of the Year. She is most famed for her recordings of "Killing me Softly" and "The First Time I Ever Saw You Face"
"TFTEISYF" was actually written by Ewan McColl for Peggy Seeger. He hated Roberta Flack's version and filed it under a "Chamber of Horrors" section in his record collection. I think it's one of the most beautiful recordings ever made. The original version which is over five and a half minutes long is outstanding. So up yours Ewan and happy birthday Roberta!
"TFTEISYF" was actually written by Ewan McColl for Peggy Seeger. He hated Roberta Flack's version and filed it under a "Chamber of Horrors" section in his record collection. I think it's one of the most beautiful recordings ever made. The original version which is over five and a half minutes long is outstanding. So up yours Ewan and happy birthday Roberta!
Wednesday, February 9, 2011
No Sex
The partners of Belgian politicians are being urged to withhold sex until a new government is formed. It is now almost 9 months since an election was held in Belgium and a government has not yet been formed.
This idea should be adopted in Ireland too. No sex for Enda Kenny and the incoming government until the National Debt is paid. That will probably be a couple of years before they were expecting it anyway, so it shouldn't be a problem ..... Once the debt is paid they could call for a General Erection?
This idea should be adopted in Ireland too. No sex for Enda Kenny and the incoming government until the National Debt is paid. That will probably be a couple of years before they were expecting it anyway, so it shouldn't be a problem ..... Once the debt is paid they could call for a General Erection?
This is a powerful video about the Egyptian Revolution doing the rounds at the moment on YouTube. Hundreds of people have been killed by Mubarak's thugs. Whatever problems we face in our own country at least we have the democratic right to change things.
The Karate Kid

Following the release of tapes of telephone calls with the Head of Customs, it is alleged that he instructed that a tax investigation into a leading businessman be halted. There is a lot of huffing and puffing about the authenticity of the tapes but it is likely that they are genuine. Boyko is having problems "recollecting" the exact nature of the conversation (sounds familiar?). There are suggestions that the government might fall.
That would probably be a pity, as the prospect of the opposition socialists coming back to power is not inviting (think Fianna Failures and you get the idea). The current government had done well on economic reform and the economy will grow this year. Fiscal orthodoxy rules and the budget will be balanced by year end. The national debt is a miserly 16% of GDP. There are high hopes about joining the Euro (although why anyone would want to join the Euro is beyond me). Most Bulgarians are gloomy about the future but, as we know, Bulgarians wouldn't be happy unless they were unhappy!
Telephone tapping is "de rigeur" here at the moment. Apparently over 10,000 telephones were tapped last year. In Britain the number is about 400. Corruption still remains a problem and despite some improvements no leading "bad boys" have gone to jail. Bulgaria won't be allowed into Schengen or the Euro until it cleans up its act. Ultimately this will be the acid test for Boyko.
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Tuesday, February 8, 2011
Tasteless Groupon ad
Groupon is a group discount business. In conjunction with retailers they make discounted offers, using social networking, and if sufficient people sign up, the offer will then apply.
They ran a tasteless ad to coincide with the Superbowl for which they have received a lot of criticism. The ad trivialises the Chinese occupation of Tibet in order to promote a restaurant selling Tibetan curries. Over 1 million Tibetans have died under Chinese rule. Imagine the outcry if an ad made light of 9/11 in order to sell American hotdogs and you get the picture.
By the way, who is Timothy Hutton?
They ran a tasteless ad to coincide with the Superbowl for which they have received a lot of criticism. The ad trivialises the Chinese occupation of Tibet in order to promote a restaurant selling Tibetan curries. Over 1 million Tibetans have died under Chinese rule. Imagine the outcry if an ad made light of 9/11 in order to sell American hotdogs and you get the picture.
By the way, who is Timothy Hutton?
Monday, February 7, 2011
Some more amazing cycling from Danny McAskill
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Sunday, February 6, 2011
Gary Moore RIP
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Gary Moore and Phil Lynott |
Can't believe the news about Gary Moore, who died in his sleep last night aged 58. An absolutely brilliant blues guitarist he played with Phil Lynott in Thin Lizzy. He also played with Skid Row. He had a successful solo career and appeared with many of the blues greats, including B.B. King.
Top Gear Insults Mexicans Pt 2.
Just a quick update on the Top Gear xenophobes (see http://sofia-notes.blogspot.com/2011/02/top-gear-insult-mexicans.html) who managed to insult Mexicans across the world. Steve Coogan (a.k.a Alan Partridge), who is a regular guest on the show, has written a great piece in today's Observer.
To quote directly from the article:
"Richard (Hammond) has his tongue so far down the back of Jeremy's (Clarkson's) trousers he could forge a career as the back end of a pantomime horse. His attempt to foster some Clarkson-like maverick status with his "edgy" humour is truly tragic. He reminds you of the squirt at school as he hangs round Clarkson the bully, as if to say, "I'm with him". Meanwhile, James May stands at the back holding their coats as they beat up the boy with the stutter."
To quote directly from the article:
"Richard (Hammond) has his tongue so far down the back of Jeremy's (Clarkson's) trousers he could forge a career as the back end of a pantomime horse. His attempt to foster some Clarkson-like maverick status with his "edgy" humour is truly tragic. He reminds you of the squirt at school as he hangs round Clarkson the bully, as if to say, "I'm with him". Meanwhile, James May stands at the back holding their coats as they beat up the boy with the stutter."
Happy Birthday Bob Marley
Today is Bob Marley's birthday
A world renowned artist, Marley was the first Third World superstar. A champion of the world's under-privileged, he left an indelible mark across the world. His music is as popular today as it ever was. I was lucky enough to see him once in Dalymount Park in Dublin in 1980 and it was a great concert. Unfortunately he died 10 months later from cancer
A strict Rastafarian and vegetarian he tried numerous alternative treatments to no avail. He finally decided to return to his beloved Jamaica to die however he never made it. Too ill to continue the journey, he was taken off the airplane and taken to hospital where he died on 11 May, 1981 aged 36.
He had too many great albums to mention. He was ranked number 11 by the Rolling Stone magazine in their list of the world's top 100 artists and voted as the world's greatest lyricist by the BBC. He was and is a true Legend.
A world renowned artist, Marley was the first Third World superstar. A champion of the world's under-privileged, he left an indelible mark across the world. His music is as popular today as it ever was. I was lucky enough to see him once in Dalymount Park in Dublin in 1980 and it was a great concert. Unfortunately he died 10 months later from cancer
A strict Rastafarian and vegetarian he tried numerous alternative treatments to no avail. He finally decided to return to his beloved Jamaica to die however he never made it. Too ill to continue the journey, he was taken off the airplane and taken to hospital where he died on 11 May, 1981 aged 36.
He had too many great albums to mention. He was ranked number 11 by the Rolling Stone magazine in their list of the world's top 100 artists and voted as the world's greatest lyricist by the BBC. He was and is a true Legend.
"Good friends we have had, oh good friends we've lost along the way
In this bright future you can't forget your past
So dry your tears I say"
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Bob Marley,
Deceased Musicians
Saturday, February 5, 2011
Did you see where I left my bomb?
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Mark 15 hydrogen bomb |
The Tybee Island B-47 crash was an incident on February 5, 1958, in which the United States Air Force lost a Mark 15 hydrogen bomb in the waters off Tybee Island near Savannah, Georgia, USA. During a practice exercise the B-47 bomber carrying it, collided in midair with an F-86 fighter plane. To prevent a detonation in the event of a crash and to save the aircrew, the bomb was jettisoned.
Following several unsuccessful searches, the bomb was presumed lost somewhere in Wassaw Sound off the shores of Tybee Island. Local people don't seem to mind so much. Louie Williford a resident is not pondering the bomb. "I don't really think about it," he says. "If it's gonna happen, it's gonna happen. Ain't nothing I can do about it."........Ok.
But don't worry. This isn't the first bomb the US has lost. It's believed that up to 12 may be missing. Seven of these were lost in the US. I wonder where the other 5 were? And we were worried about Iran getting nuclear missiles!
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Farting Banned
The government of Malawi has introduced an new bill banning farting. Justice Minister George Chaponda says the new bill would criminalise flatulence to promote public decency. "Just go to the toilet when you feel like farting," he told local radio.
The Local Courts Bill, to be introduced next week reads: "Any person who vitiates the atmosphere in any place so as to make it noxious to the public to the health of persons in general dwelling or carrying on business in the neighbourhood or passing along a public way shall be guilty of a misdemeanour."
Mr Chaponda, a trained lawyer, insists that this includes farting."Would you be happy to see people farting anyhow?" he asked on the popular "Straight Talk" programme on Malawi's Capital Radio. He said that local chiefs would deal with any offenders. When asked whether it could be enforced, he said it would be similar to laws banning urinating in public.
If only we could ban bullshit.
The Local Courts Bill, to be introduced next week reads: "Any person who vitiates the atmosphere in any place so as to make it noxious to the public to the health of persons in general dwelling or carrying on business in the neighbourhood or passing along a public way shall be guilty of a misdemeanour."
Mr Chaponda, a trained lawyer, insists that this includes farting."Would you be happy to see people farting anyhow?" he asked on the popular "Straight Talk" programme on Malawi's Capital Radio. He said that local chiefs would deal with any offenders. When asked whether it could be enforced, he said it would be similar to laws banning urinating in public.
If only we could ban bullshit.
Friday, February 4, 2011
School's Out

Alice is 63 today. The inventor of "shock rock", he had a bizarre stage act which included snakes, baby dolls, guillotines, electric chairs and plenty of blood. He was once rumored to have bitten the head of a live chicken and drank its blood on stage. The real story is even more strange.
Cooper claims that the infamous "Chicken Incident"was an accident. A chicken somehow made its way on stage during Cooper's performance and not having any experience around farm animals, Cooper presumed that, because the chicken had wings, it would be able to fly. He picked it up and threw it out over the crowd, expecting it to fly away. The chicken instead plummeted into the first few rows occupied by disabled people in wheelchairs, who reportedly proceeded to tear the bird to pieces!
The next day, the incident made the front page of national newspapers, and Frank Zappa phoned Cooper to ask if the story, which reported that he had bitten the head off the chicken and drunk its blood on stage, was true. Cooper denied the rumor, whereupon Zappa told him, "Well, whatever you do, don't tell anyone you didn't do it",obviously recognising that such publicity would be priceless for the band.
I used to have all his albums and School's Out is still one of his best. The song itself is included in the Rolling Stone Magazine's Top 500 songs of all time and rightly so. Today, Alice Cooper is a restaurateur and golfing celebrity. I wonder does he serve chicken?
Thursday, February 3, 2011
Top Gear Insults Mexicans
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Jeremy Clarkson |
The Day The Music Died
Today is the anniversary of the deaths of Buddy Holly, Richie Valens and J.P. "The Big Bopper" Richardson who died in an airplane crash on 3 February 1959. The day later became know as "The Day The Music Died" in Don McClean's American Pie.
All three young musician's were on a winter tour called "The Winter Dance Party" with other musicians in the US. Tired of travelling on an old freezing bus, Buddy Holly decided to charter a light airplane to get to their next venue. Richie Valens (La Bamba), who was only 17, asked to go on the plane as he had never flown before and won his place by the toss of a coin. Waylon Jennings was also due to fly with the group but gave up his place to Richardson who had the flu. When Holly learned that Jennings wasn't going to fly, he said in jest, "Well, I hope your ol' bus freezes up" and Jennings responded, also in jest, "Well, I hope your ol' plane crashes". This would haunt Jennings for the rest of his life.
The 4 seater plane took off at about 1.00 a.m. from Clear Lake, Iowa and barely cleared the airport before crashing. All three musicians and the pilot, Roger Peterson, were killed immediately on impact. An investigation later blamed pilot error and weather conditions for the crash. All three musicians were at the height of popularity and their deaths made headlines across the world. It was truly the Day The Music Died.
Make sure you look at the Buddy Holly video. The introduction is hilarious.
All three young musician's were on a winter tour called "The Winter Dance Party" with other musicians in the US. Tired of travelling on an old freezing bus, Buddy Holly decided to charter a light airplane to get to their next venue. Richie Valens (La Bamba), who was only 17, asked to go on the plane as he had never flown before and won his place by the toss of a coin. Waylon Jennings was also due to fly with the group but gave up his place to Richardson who had the flu. When Holly learned that Jennings wasn't going to fly, he said in jest, "Well, I hope your ol' bus freezes up" and Jennings responded, also in jest, "Well, I hope your ol' plane crashes". This would haunt Jennings for the rest of his life.
The 4 seater plane took off at about 1.00 a.m. from Clear Lake, Iowa and barely cleared the airport before crashing. All three musicians and the pilot, Roger Peterson, were killed immediately on impact. An investigation later blamed pilot error and weather conditions for the crash. All three musicians were at the height of popularity and their deaths made headlines across the world. It was truly the Day The Music Died.
Make sure you look at the Buddy Holly video. The introduction is hilarious.
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Buddy Holly,
Deceased Musicians,
Richie Valens,
The Big Bopper,
Happy New Year!! It is the Chinese New Year, the most important day in their calendar. It is now the Year of the Rabbit and, apparently, it is going to be a very nice year.
If you want to find out what Chinese sign you were born under you can find out here. I'm a Dog but I knew that anyway. In the meantime Happy New Year!!!
The Year of the Rabbit
This will be a placid year, very much welcomed and needed after the ferocious year of the Tiger. We should go off to some quiet spot to lick our wounds and get some rest after all the battles of the previous year.
Good taste and refinement will shine on everything and people will acknowledge that persuasion is better than force. A congenial time in which diplomacy, international relations and politics will be given a front seat again. We will act with discretion and make reasonable concessions without too much difficulty.
A time to watch out that we do not become too indulgent. The influence of the Rabbit tends to spoil those who like too much comfort and thus impair their effectiveness and sense of duty.
Law and order will be lax; rules and regulations will not be rigidly enforced. No one seems very inclined to bother with these unpleasant realities. They are busy enjoying themselves, entertaining others or simply taking it easy. The scene is quiet and calm. We will all have a tendency to put off disagreeable tasks as long as possible
Money can be made without too much labor. Our life style will be languid and leisurely as we allow ourselves the luxuries we have always craved for. A temperate year with unhurried pace. For once, it may seem possible for us to be carefree and happy without too many annoyances.
Funny, when I think of rabbit I think of stew.........
If you want to find out what Chinese sign you were born under you can find out here. I'm a Dog but I knew that anyway. In the meantime Happy New Year!!!
The Year of the Rabbit
This will be a placid year, very much welcomed and needed after the ferocious year of the Tiger. We should go off to some quiet spot to lick our wounds and get some rest after all the battles of the previous year.
Good taste and refinement will shine on everything and people will acknowledge that persuasion is better than force. A congenial time in which diplomacy, international relations and politics will be given a front seat again. We will act with discretion and make reasonable concessions without too much difficulty.
A time to watch out that we do not become too indulgent. The influence of the Rabbit tends to spoil those who like too much comfort and thus impair their effectiveness and sense of duty.
Law and order will be lax; rules and regulations will not be rigidly enforced. No one seems very inclined to bother with these unpleasant realities. They are busy enjoying themselves, entertaining others or simply taking it easy. The scene is quiet and calm. We will all have a tendency to put off disagreeable tasks as long as possible
Money can be made without too much labor. Our life style will be languid and leisurely as we allow ourselves the luxuries we have always craved for. A temperate year with unhurried pace. For once, it may seem possible for us to be carefree and happy without too many annoyances.
Funny, when I think of rabbit I think of stew.........
Wednesday, February 2, 2011
Driving in Sofia
This reminds me a little of driving in Sofia except it's more dangerous here and the car is more likely to be a black Mercedes driven by a man with a very large neck. This is Ken Block.
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Groundhog Day yields forecast of early US spring
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Punxsutawney Phil this morning |
Girls just wanna have fun! Cyndi Lauper isn't.....
Today is Eva Cassidy's birthday. By now, I guess, most people are familiar with her story. Eva died in 1996, aged 33, of melanoma. She was a relatively obscure singer who enjoyed little commercial success while she was alive. In 2000, Terry Wogan (another obscure radio presenter!) of the BBC, promoted her recording of "Somewhere Over The Rainbow". A video recording of her playing in Blues Alley in 1996 became the most requested video ever on Top of the Pops.
Her marvelous compilation album, Songbird, then became a huge bestseller in the UK and Ireland and she went on to enjoy huge international posthumous success. In 2005, she was the 5th highest bestselling artist on Amazon.com.
Her version of Somewhere Over The Rainbow is truly beautiful and better, in my opinion, than Judy Garland's. The last song she ever sang publicly was What A Wonderful World, which she performed at a benefit gig in front of many of her friends and family. She died 6 weeks later,
She would have been 48 today. Happy Birthday Eva.
If you want to see the full story of her all too brief life this is a short ABC documentary made in 2010.

Her marvelous compilation album, Songbird, then became a huge bestseller in the UK and Ireland and she went on to enjoy huge international posthumous success. In 2005, she was the 5th highest bestselling artist on Amazon.com.
Her version of Somewhere Over The Rainbow is truly beautiful and better, in my opinion, than Judy Garland's. The last song she ever sang publicly was What A Wonderful World, which she performed at a benefit gig in front of many of her friends and family. She died 6 weeks later,
She would have been 48 today. Happy Birthday Eva.
If you want to see the full story of her all too brief life this is a short ABC documentary made in 2010.
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Deceased Musicians,
Eva Cassidy,
It's Groundhog Day!
Today is Groundhog Day. Made famous by the eponymous movie, the largest Groundhog Day celebration is held in Punxsutawney, Pennsylvania. where the the world's most famous groundhog, Punxsutawney Phil, makes his weather predictions.
If, upon emerging from his burrow in Gobbler's Knob (you couldn't make this up!), Phil sees his shadow another 6 weeks of Winter lies ahead. If not, Spring is around the corner. Analysis shows that Phil's predictions have been correct only 39% of the time but why let facts spoil the party. Neither does Phil live in a burrow. He actually lives (with his wife Phyllis) in the town library and is cared for by a mysterious group called the "Inner Circle".
Legend has it that Phil is 120 years old. Zoological data suggests that groundhogs have a average lifespan of 10 years in captivity and 6 years in the wild. Punxsutawney Phil fans say that there is only one Phil (all the other groundhog weathermen are impostors), and that he has made weather prognostications for over 120. They say that every summer, Phil is fed a sip of the mysterious Groundhog Punch, which magically lengthens his life for seven years. According to the Groundhog Club, Phil, after making the prediction, speaks to the Club President in "Groundhogese", which only the Inner Circle appear to understand, and then his prediction is translated for the entire world.
Happy Groundhog Day!
If, upon emerging from his burrow in Gobbler's Knob (you couldn't make this up!), Phil sees his shadow another 6 weeks of Winter lies ahead. If not, Spring is around the corner. Analysis shows that Phil's predictions have been correct only 39% of the time but why let facts spoil the party. Neither does Phil live in a burrow. He actually lives (with his wife Phyllis) in the town library and is cared for by a mysterious group called the "Inner Circle".
Legend has it that Phil is 120 years old. Zoological data suggests that groundhogs have a average lifespan of 10 years in captivity and 6 years in the wild. Punxsutawney Phil fans say that there is only one Phil (all the other groundhog weathermen are impostors), and that he has made weather prognostications for over 120. They say that every summer, Phil is fed a sip of the mysterious Groundhog Punch, which magically lengthens his life for seven years. According to the Groundhog Club, Phil, after making the prediction, speaks to the Club President in "Groundhogese", which only the Inner Circle appear to understand, and then his prediction is translated for the entire world.
Happy Groundhog Day!
Tuesday, February 1, 2011
Jeremy Paxman and the "C" Word
Even the best presenters slip up. Jeremy Paxman inadvertently confused "cuts" with another "c" word last night. Professional as ever, he barely flinched at his own mistake. This contrasts with James Doughtie, from the BBC's Today programme, who got into a dreadful state when he made a similar mistake a few weeks ago. Must be all the cuts in the BBC!
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Working Naked Pt. 2
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Janet does her best to look shocked |
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Janet Jackson,
Justin Timberlake
Let's Get Naked Today!!
Today, 1 February, is "Working Naked Day"!! I think this is a fantastic idea and encourage everyone to join in. There is a whole website dedicated to this unique idea and you can visit it if you want tips and tools on stripping down to the bare necessities at work. The site's owner Lisa has produced a special video showing everyone what's in her drawers. You should show everyone what's in your drawers as well. So c'mon everybody, let's get naked at work today!!!
Warning: If you are easily shocked the you might find the contents of this video to be very disturbing. I did!
Warning: If you are easily shocked the you might find the contents of this video to be very disturbing. I did!
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