A world renowned artist, Marley was the first Third World superstar. A champion of the world's under-privileged, he left an indelible mark across the world. His music is as popular today as it ever was. I was lucky enough to see him once in Dalymount Park in Dublin in 1980 and it was a great concert. Unfortunately he died 10 months later from cancer
A strict Rastafarian and vegetarian he tried numerous alternative treatments to no avail. He finally decided to return to his beloved Jamaica to die however he never made it. Too ill to continue the journey, he was taken off the airplane and taken to hospital where he died on 11 May, 1981 aged 36.
He had too many great albums to mention. He was ranked number 11 by the Rolling Stone magazine in their list of the world's top 100 artists and voted as the world's greatest lyricist by the BBC. He was and is a true Legend.
"Good friends we have had, oh good friends we've lost along the way
In this bright future you can't forget your past
So dry your tears I say"
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