Friday, July 22, 2011

Sofia's gone to the Dogs

Street dogs in Sofia have been an intractable problem for many years. They are an emotive subject and the debate is polarised. I know where I stand.

My son recently visited with us. He arrived on a late and pleasant May evening. Sofia was looking its best and we were looking forward to a pleasant and enjoyable stay.

It was about 11.00 pm when I pulled up outside our apartment. we live in a nice leafy Sofia street. As I opened my car door my eyes were diverted by the rush of at least 20, very large street dogs. They were focusing their attention on something and were ruthlessly trying to tear it apart. They were in a frenzy and it was a savage attack.

I reached inside my car and grabbed the first thing that came to hand (a bottle of window washer) and threw it at them. Surprisingly they ran. Afterwards I thought how stupid I had been. Adults and children have been attacked here, some fatally and it was a stupid thing to do.

As the dogs ran it became clear what it was they were attacking. A small cat was left on the road. It looked as if its back was broken and it lay there helplessly. I called my local vet but he wasn't in town. The miserable, terrified cat died a few minutes later. My son and my daughter looked on and were obviously upset at what had happened.  This was my son's first introduction to Sofia, a pack of wild dogs tearing a cat from limb to limb.  Needless to say he gave dogs a wide berth during his stay. Nevertheless he had a great time here and has good memories of his stay.

I am a dog owner and I love dogs. But nothing gets to me more when the loony animal welfarists start to whine. Street dogs are a huge problem and a huge cost. They have killed and maimed humans and other animals (rather famously they attacked and killed a number of deer in Sofia Zoo). Millions of euro are being spent on useless sterilisation programs. Recently the Director in charge was fired for being ineffective and other irregularities. All this in a city which is incapable of providing even a half decent health system for the old and homeless.

The solution is clear. Sofia needs to rid itself of its wild street dogs through a humane scheme of animal  euthanasia. Pets are pets but pests are pests.


  1. You are ridiculous.

    These street dogs are a result of people's lack of compassion and responsibility. Why put down the dogs when they aren't the ones to blame? There are plenty of ways of solving this "issue" without euthanasia. Look up foreign-ran shelters in BG (yes, by expats from the UK, W-EU) that take in strays and send them to Belgium, Netherlands, the UK for adoption. They raise the money on their own and use their own savings/pensions to fund their shelters. Rudozem is just a start. Instead of stealing the money allocated for such issues and not putting it to good use, you're supposed to kill them because you don't want to follow the law?

    Wow. Typical Bulgarian-minded post.

    Why don't you go after the people that dump their dogs on the streets when they get pregnant or because they "don't want them anymore"? Or the ones that gather a litter of newborn puppies/kittens, put 'em in a box, and leave them by the dumpster on the side of the road?

    This is why BG will never become a developed country; because the blame is always put on someone else when in fact they have only 1 thing to blame; themselves.

  2. Wow. Typical expatriate racist-minded post.

    The generalisations are too many to bother with. Just one or two comments though. It is estimated that Sofia citizens own close to 200,000 pet dogs. So much for the notion that they are uncaring brutes etc. Laudable as they are, the efforts of a few well-meaning dog shelter owners will only ever have a minor impact on the overall number of street dogs. You need to get it into your tiny anthropomorphic brain cell that the issue is not about compassion. It is about dealing with the problem. And the most effective (and I suggest the most compassionate) is to deal with problem quickly, effectively and humanely.

    By the way, why don't you have a look at some of the statistics relating to stray dogs in your own country before you unleash some more of your racist bigoted bullshit.
